We carefully choose locations where our presence can make a significant impact, thanks to our local partners who help us identify communities with the most pressing needs.

Our goal is to ensure each community we work in is better off by the time we are leaving than we began our projects.


Collaborating with community, district, and regional leaders is crucial for the success of each project. We rely on their support and cooperation. We do not initiate projects in communities where we are not welcome. Once local government and leadership are involved, we can guarantee a sustainable water supply to the community indefinitely.


Our team selects the most suitable technology for water projects. Costs vary depending on the technology chosen, terrain, conditions, and accessibility of the community.

Well Drilling Rig
Ultra Filtration & Reverse Osmosis Treatment Plant


Funding is essential for making everything happen. Whether it comes from online or offline donations, grants, or water campaigns, our objective is to raise sufficient funds to execute perfect water projects. We allocate funds raised directly to our projects account, ensuring every dollar is used in the field for water initiatives.


Committees play a crucial role in ensuring the sustainability of projects. Committee members are members of the community. They receive training and education about each project and its benefits. Committee members emerge as leaders who educate and empower others to address the challenges faced by the community.


Untreated Borehole Water


Need Clean Water


Free To Join Us


Once we have selected the appropriate technology we collaborate closely with our local partners. We plan each project to ensure success while adhering to both schedule and budget constraints.


To ensure lasting benefits for the community beyond our presence, we focus on training and educating community members. We train committee members in project maintenance, and repair, education on hygiene and sanitation which reduces disease transmission and prevents avoidable deaths.


We appreciate your trust in us with your donations. Upon successful completion of each project, we diligently prepare and send comprehensive reports to our supporters. These reports typically feature project details such as pictures, location, cost, impact, testimonials, as well as videos.


To ensure our projects endure long after we leave, we focus on investing in community members by collaborating closely with them to build sustainable systems. This includes forming water management committees, training water technicians and local volunteers.


We engaged the community to establish committees that manage our projects. These committees made up of men and women are granted decision-making authority under the local Chief or the Assemblyman. They are tasked with conducting household visits to raise awareness. Our staff supports committee members in addressing any issue they may encounter.


Effective hygiene and sanitation practices are essential for maximizing the benefits of safe and clean drinking water. Once the community has access to safe and clean drinking water, it is crucial to understand how to properly maintain and use it to improve health. We conduct water, sanitation, and hygiene training in homes, schools, and health centers to educate the community about proper hygiene practices.


To guarantee the project sustainability in each community a repair committee and technicians are trained in the proper maintenance of the wells, water treatment systems, and the solar-powered water pump. They are provided with tools and equipment to be able to carry out any necessary repairs. The project team provides instructions on various components and functions of the equipment as well as the technologies used in providing water.


Our field with support from the water management committee carefully monitors all our projects both during and after their implementation. They conduct surveys and structure interviews with households and community members to assess the effectiveness of the project.